Our Thoughts

With the spread of the Internet, all information goes beyond borders. In an international society where the borderless world is expanding, people who can grasp the opportunity to develop business on the world stage are required.
English proficiency is an indispensable business skill to manage multinational employees and to provide products and services in overseas markets. English is a tool for enjoying overseas trips and international exchanges.
Lodestar was founded for companies and organizations active in the international community.
We strive to show the best way to fully demonstrate the abilities and skills of each person and to acquire a hands-on ability of foreign languages.


English lessons

English Lessons

Focus on proficiency skills to increase practical communication ability

Other Languages

Other Languages

We teach more than ten languages including English, Chinese, and Spanish

Interpretation & Translation

Interpretation & Translation

With a high level of skill and an abundance of experience, we provide interpretation and translation services tailored to the needs of our clients.

Supported Languages

English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Spanish, Italian, French, Korean, Portuguese, Thai

Please feel free to contact us

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